As I am a true firm believer in second chances. We all make mistakes in life , some just do not get caught. As life is hard and good people often make bad choices.

That does not mean, They’re doomed for life or are unworthy of being loved. A lot of times I feel as a person makes a huge mistake in their life because they truly feel , no one cares anyway , I am not loved , or ooooo what do I have to loose, until it’s to late , the crime is done and they now are facing a 10 to 20 year sentence. Even though some may feel that this is the farthest of the truth, they are so loved, have a huge family. Let me tell you having a huge family does not always make you feel loved. Sometimes makes you feel even more lonely, as you are in a crowd with family and you feel , do they even care if I am around or if I died tomorrow. I have also felt this in my life, so what I am getting at here , is not only say it , but show it. Show it by all means, send an extra post card , An extra letter , let them know that they truly are loved and cared for , explain why they are so loved , give a compliment. Do not dim someone for their mistake , as that does not define them as a human being, Give them that second chance and truly love them with your whole heart.

If you truly are struggling with this and feel that no one cares or you are not loved and you hear your loved one saying this , please let them know how loved they are, especially are incarcerated loved ones , let them know they are worthy of a second chance and that you believe in them and that their is someone out there for them to love, Everyone is worthy of being loved.


Admin, Rach W.