My name is Leah Ward. I’m a very energetic and loving person. I have overcome a lot of hardships and abuse from my past, but have risen above a lot and still rising above it. I have lots of love and compassion. I’m still learning more about myself and am hoping to meet new friends that i can venture with. I love art, poetry , and music. I’m very artistic, my better way of communication.
I love to play the piano and would learn how to play the violin. I am seeking someone that would make an investment in me, in friendship, and inspiration/ encouragement. Someone that would help these hard times more bearable.
- Listing categories Female
- Community LGBT Community, Write an Inmate
- Body Type Average
- Height 5.5
- Weight 145 lbs
- Race/Ethnicity White
- Education High School, Some College
- Accomplishments/Goals in Prison Connect with family, gain new long lasting friends, more college
- Seeking Letters From Women, Men
- Purpose Romance, Socialize, Write Sexy/Erotic Letters
- Membership Expiration Date May 16, 2018