Hi, I am looking for pen pals. I am also searching for love but will make friends along the way. I enjoy writing, and I will correspond with all who write me.
I am kind, generally upbeat and creative. I am also looking forward to putting prison behind me and reestablish myself in the world. I also look forward to continuing my penal friendships when I am free in a couple of years.
I am in prison as a sex offender, no real defense there except that I did take a terrible plea deal (never take a plea deal) so I’ve been doing this for nearly 10 years now but I’m still relatively sane. I am a legal clerk in a law library for 8 of those years, teaching and research and writing. I stay very busy here also as a librarian. I do adapt and overcome difficulties.
I am a singing white guy with a guitar (wigwag) and I cherish music, even that which I don’t like. I am working on being a novice songwriter. My next favorite song may be one I haven’t heard yet. My tastes run from hard rock to classical to Americana.
So I’m trying to sell myself in 300 words. I am trying to learn how to be open and talk about myself, but I am still learning how to be the open book, I would still rather talk about you. But if you will work with me, I will open up. I look forward to writing to women, but I will still write men also. I am also available for telephone, email, and video visits, and I also have a larger photo gallery of myself and jewelry that I make. This is me in a nutshell, doesn’t really begin to cover, so write me really.
Mike Fin DOC# 8550824
C/O SRCI 777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario, OR 97914-8335
- Listing categories Male / V.I.P.
- Location / Region Oregon
- Community Write an Inmate
- D.O.B January 1, 1966
- Height 5.10
- Weight 230 lbs
- Earliest Release Date July 1, 1950
- Race/Ethnicity Black, Irish, White
- Religion Christian
- Education High school Graduate, Some College, Life Lessons
- Accomplishments/Goals in Prison I am the institutional librarian and a good law clerk
- Sexuality Bisexual
- Seeking Letters From Women, Men
- Purpose Romance, Socialize, Write Sexy/Erotic Letters
- V.I.P. Yes
- Membership Expiration Date May 8, 2018