Qiuordai (Corday) Taylor

My name is Qiuordai, pronounced (Corday) Taylor. you can call me Q as well. I am male. I’m straight. i am 19 years old and African American. I’m 5’11, 165 lbs.

I like to travel and see new places and things. I like to learn something different or new daily. I like to experience new cultures.

I believe in taking risk and I am a spontaneous Scorpio. I believe that hard work pays off and that sacrifices come with life’s ambition.

Being a young adult I believe that growth and development is a part of life. I like to learn new things and I am very teachable. Science is my favorite subject in school. In my spare time I love playing and watching basketball.

My mind seeks peace and rest, my soul seeks friendship.

Currently, I am in a situation that causes pain to my loved ones and myself, it has caused destruction and disgrace from some. Some of the people who have claimed to love me more than anything in the world have disappeared on me.

I am asking for honesty and integrity. I am hopeful of an enduring friendship and I am open to whatever comes our way.

I am currently sentenced to 47 years and I am under appeal right now. I was tried as an accomplice and found guilty as an “adult” but I was 16 years old at the time of my conviction.

I like to have fun conversations. My favorite food is pizza and I love music.

I am looking forward to sharing more with you.

Thank you for taking the time to view my profile. Hopefully I can answer some of your questions or comments if you have any.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Take care, have a wonderful day and be kind to yourself.


Qiuordai Taylor #389982
Clallam Bay Corrections Center
1830 Eagle Crest Way
Clallam Bay, WA 98326

Email at: Jpay.com Getatai

  • Listing categories Male / V.I.P.
  • Location / Region Washington
  • Community Write an Inmate
  • Body Type Athletic
  • D.O.B November 2, 1997
  • Height 5.11
  • Weight 167 lbs
  • Race/Ethnicity Black
  • Religion None
  • Education High School, Working toward a B.A
  • Sexuality Straight
  • Seeking Letters From Women
  • Purpose Romance, Socialize, Write Sexy/Erotic Letters
  • V.I.P. Yes
  • Membership Expiration Date October 30, 2018

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