The Good Life
Strangely, a good life seems to be within reach of everyone! No one can tell you what the good life is for you, but there are some guideposts. What makes most people happy in life is good relationships with others, gratifying work, positive thinking and positive mindfulness, humor and hope. Making a clear vision of what the good life is to you, and feels like to you and making a plan to get it, will create hope; and hope is vital! For there is no substitute for hope! This, a good life for you is assured!

Just Wow
As we grow older, it’s the small things that we often focus on, things that we had so often taken for granted: A smile. The touch of a hand. A kind word. A tiny flower when we think about big things that are breathtaking, little things that stir our admiration, ingenious things that fascinate us, simple things belatedly appreciated- to what do we attribute them? Just how can such things be explained? Where did they come from? Just Wow