Dear Reader,
Hello, my name is Marcus. I am Currently interested in finding a special someone who is willing to be honest with me and at the same time accept honesty, I’m a man with part mistakes and regret them deeply. But if we look to stay in the past, then their will be no tomorrow I do remember being happy yesterday. I do remember singing yesterday and I do remember being the life of the party. Those things from my past I keep with me. I am a Libra so I balance things out in order to keep out of harms way. I have no room to judge or critique.
I am still passionate about music and I don’t mind loosing my way through words and melodies. I’m a Texas Native from Dallas and a Graduate from Lincoln High School Communications Magnet. Clear of “91”. I stumbled and fell but I refused to stay down. That is why I decided to give this companionship a chance. I want to talk to someone again. Laugh with someone again. Cry with someone again. Cry with someone again. Its just that I’m lost deep inside this Texas Prison. But their is still hope. I’m only 66 cents away. Are you out there? If you are a give of chances, just on more, or maybe I could be your first. Pleas return my call. There is absolutely nothing to loose except 66 cents. Think you for your time.
Marcus Eaton #00637919
Po Box 660400
Dallas, Tx 75266-0400
- Listing categories Male
- Location / Region Texas
- Community Write an Inmate
- Body Type Slim
- D.O.B October 4, 1971
- Height 5.6
- Weight 160 lbs
- Earliest Release Date April 30, 2031
- Maximum Release Date May 17, 2050
- Race/Ethnicity Black
- Education Peer-to-Peer Educator/ Auto Vocation. Faith Base Dorm Educate
- Accomplishments/Goals in Prison Peer Educator
- Sexuality Straight
- Seeking Letters From Women
- Purpose Romance, Socialize