Peace Behind Bars

Any Way/ Just WoW/ and The Good Life By: Tremayne Franics

ANYWAY BY: TREMAYNE FRANCIS   People are unreasonable, Illogical and self centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful you win false friends and enemies.…

Fire By: Sean “Twig” Follett

Poem By Sean “Twig” Follett   That fire, Which never burns out, Which yet burns low, Which Flickers out,   Yet there remains always beneath the ashes. Embers Which smolder and wait, for one to bring, Dry twigs and wood.…

Sean “Twig” Follett

Testimony of Sean “Twig” Follett   I’m not sure exactly how to write a testimony. I’m not religious nor do I read the bible. It always seemed that a testimony was a religious thing. But now that I ponder on…

Newsletter: Issue 4 December 2016

Issue 4_ December 2016

By: Unknown

All About Me: By Tremayne Francis

Born in poverty, and raised in the mean streets of [ New Orleans’s] notorious 9th ward. I was not content in having everything I needed, I just was stuck on getting what I wanted! By any means necessary. Drive- by shootings, death by street violence ( as I myself have suffered from as I lost both my younger brother. Gerald and my uncle “Bunny” to street violence), etc. Are the societal norm within the 9th ward; and as we, all of us are the sum total of our life experiences was pivotal in creating selfishness and emotional callousness in my young mind! So much so, it was all about me! Everyone else be damned if i wanted it, I got it, Regardless off who I hurt. Whom I caused pain, none of it mattered! It was all about me! My family, as loving as they were, and as often as they tried to nurture me with the right thinking morals, and values, were no deterrent. It was ll about me! Period! And my young mind was okay with that, and I believed my future was destined to be grand one! Cause, it was all about me!

Denise Lawyer

It’s a great opportunity to share my testimony with you and others! Well, as you know my name is Denise Lawyer with three beautiful kids. ..two girls and one son, which they were all babies and now is grown. It’s been 10 ½ years I been locked up and it’s been a learning experience… I started off with no bond sitting in the county jail for second degree murder, I didn’t realize how serious things were until I got to prison. Wait let me slow down a a little and start from the beginning it was a Sunday night and football was on T.V. me and my ex home girl suppose to just went over to my co-defendant to pick up a couple dollars, but instead of my ex homegirl wanted my co-defendant to come with us and went to a strip club in Pompano that wasn’t the plans.

The Good Life/ Just Wow By: Tremayne Francis

The Good Life Strangely, a good life seems to be within reach of everyone! No one can tell you what the good life is for you, but there are some guideposts. What makes most people happy in life is good…

Our Father I Know Your Watching Me By: Lana Bowles (Winner of October 2016 Poem Contest) Won $25 of Gifts

Our father I know your watching me the way I live on the streets hustling but I’m not in peace. Why don’t you check out my childhood when my father beat on my mother, he was no good. She tried…

Far Away Thoughts By: Lana Bowles (Winner of Dec 2016 Poem Contest) Won $25 of Gifts

Since the day I first met you my life has really changed. Some things I’ve put  in order somethings I’ve rearranged. I’ve put you in the middle and built my dreams around. Someone who means so much to me the…

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